Campus Sustainability

Campus Sustainability, a Global Concern

Universities can nowadays be regarded as "small cities" due to their large size, population, and the various complex activities taking places in campus, which have some serious direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Hence, campus sustainability has become an issue of global concern for university policy makers and planners as result of realization of the impacts the activities and operations of universities have on the environment.

Sustainability at UTAR

In an effort to promote cleanliness and a green healthy urban environment, University had organized series of events including gotong-royong, exhibitions and talks.

Disclaimer: Pictures and information regarding campus sustainability activities are taken from various departments
and resources. Hop over to the links below to help create better environment for our future.

What We Do?

Pursuant to University's effort to promote a green and healthy environment, DEF-SL with the helps of various departments and resources have implemented some great initiatives from time to time to integrate "sustainability" as part of the facilities management process in order to achieve the following objectives:
  • to decrease production of waste and hazardous materials
  • to reduce level of energy consumption
  • to promote the design of energy-efficient building